Brnice Marlohe and Naomie Harris talk being Bond girls in new Skyfall video blogs

Amidst the secrecy surrounding Sam Mendes’ Skyfall , these new clips, dropped by the filmmakers today, offer a behind-the-scenes preview of Mr Craig’s dazzling new Bond girls and the two actresses bringing them to life.

In the first video, a gun-toting Naomie Harris discusses her character Eve, a “very capable” field agent who “sees herself as Bond’s equal.”

Check out the Naomie Harris video below:

Next up is Bérénice Marlohe. Talking excitedly about being a part of this much loved franchise and seen in bringing more mystique and intensity to an escalator ride then you’d ever have thought possible, Marlohe reveals the nature of her role as Severine: “The first time you see her, she has a dark side.”

Eager to “bring something interesting” to the role, Marlohe discusses the “range of colours when playing a Bond girl”, which informed her decision to create a multi-dimensional character capable of standing up to Craig’s 007.

Check out the Bérénice Marlohe video right here:

With Sam Mendes at the helm, Skyfall will drop on 26 October 2012.

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