5 questions we have after watching the first Star Trek Discovery season 2 trailer

Star Trek Discovery season 1 (opens in new tab) was one of the best TV shows of 2017 (opens in new tab), so it’s safe to say that its second season is hotly anticipated. While there were a few worries after the showrunners were reportedly fired and replaced, the Star Trek Discovery Hall H panel at San Diego Comic Con 2018 (opens in new tab) seems to have silenced any concerns with a spectacular first look at what fans can expect when the show returns. Watch the trailer above or here (opens in new tab) if you’re in the UK. 

Eye-watering action sequences, new aliens, iconic characters… the trailer seems to have it all, but it does raises a few questions we’d like answered please. 

What is Michael looking at?

An image from Star Trek Discovery season 2

You know the bit I’m talking about. It’s right at the beginning of the trailer when Michael is in her spacesuit and looking towards something in awe as we hear her voiceover. Whatever she’s seeing must be pretty important to hold her interest like that, but we only see a vague, blurry shape in the trailer. Considering how she and the shape are both drenched in red light though, I’m going to make an educated guess and say it’s whoever – or whatever – sent the red signals Pike goes on about later in the trailer. New aliens perhaps?

Why is Pike and his crew wearing different uniforms?

An image from Star Trek Discovery season 2

It can’t have escaped your notice that when Captain Pike and his crew board the Discovery they’re wearing a version of the more traditional Star Trek uniforms from the Original Series. They look incredible and will no doubt please fans, but it does raise the question, why are their uniforms different to the ones we saw throughout the first season? As a prequel, Discovery always made a big deal about being completely separate and different from other Star Trek series, so why introduce the more traditional uniforms now? interestingly, Pike does appear in a Discovery uniform later on in the trailer… 

Who is the woman in red?

An image from Star Trek Discovery season 2

Is it just me, or does the young woman who accompanies Pike onto the Discovery seem a bit different to everyone else? Her outfit is much less formal than everyone else’s – although this may just be the skirt – and the way she very casually walks around the ship looking at everything makes me feel like she’s not a Starfleet officer. Who is she? A civilian? A guest of Captain Pike’s? Or just a Starfleet cadet in unusual garb?

Where is Spock?

An image from Star Trek Discovery season 2

Spock is only referenced in the trailer and doesn’t put in an appereance, but we know from the Hall H panel that he will be in Star Trek Discovery season 2. So, where is he when Pike joins the Discovery and his foster sister? Pike tells Michael that Spock took leave because he found something in the signal he couldn’t explain, and then Michael tells Saru that Spock and the signal are linked and that he needs help. Could he have gone to investigate the signal without his crew? It doesn’t sound very Spock-like, but either way, we know he’ll cross paths with Michael at some point. 

When will we get Star trek Discovery season 2?

An image from Star Trek Discovery season 2

Because that trailer was so amazing that we want it now! Unfortunately, we didn’t get a specific release date for Star Trek Discovery season 2 along with the trailer, but we do know that it’ll be at some point in 2019, with Alex Kurtzman teasing early on in year, perhaps around January. We’ll just have to be patient I guess. 

Want to know more about Star Trek Discovery season 2? Here’s 7 potentially spoilery things (opens in new tab) we learnt at San Diego Comic Con.

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