Warehouse 13 closes its doors for the final time, Joss Whedon on James Spader and what connects Firefly and Blade Runner? Answers in the latest Tweets Of The Week (opens in new tab)
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Genre TV has always had a uniquely potent ability to build incredibly dedicated fan bases, which means whenever a show goes the way of all flesh it hits hard . The latest casualty of the ratings war (or, rather, Syfy’s season five curse) is Warehouse 13 , which will come to an end with a six-episode final season next year.
Filming on the last ever episode wrapped last week, leading to a series of tweets from cast and crew celebrating the show’s five years on the air. We can think of few shows with such a passionate team, here’s hoping they go out with a bang.
@allisonscag It’s the last day of production on Warehouse 13. I’m tap dancing. Pinch me. #living
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@Bumpynight Hey Twitterverse! Thanks for the Endless Wonder of support and love you sent our way! 6 more incredible adventures to come! Stay tuned!!
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@b0bg00dman Today’s the final shoot day of #Warehouse13 . Thanks so much to everyone who supported the show and shared their love. Stick around for S5!
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@sasharoiz Congratulations to my friends on #WH13 . A bittersweet moment for sure but what a great run. It was a pleasure playing in your sandbox.
@ManMadeMoon “I have an idea.” “Great! Lets hear it!” *explains idea* “Damn! That IS great! Hey, rival director X, you should totally do that!” Studios.
*big breathe…* Ok… Im over it. Fuck it, Im making Warcraft, and its going to blow everyones socks off! 🙂
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@MattStrevens1 Off to the final ever Misfits wrap party. Will be so great to see all the guys after far too long.
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@josswhedon All these old Spader %26 Spader/Downey references and NO LOVE FOR “TUFF TURF”?!?!?! Step up your game, people! #madthrilledbtw
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@DamonLindelof Yes. RT @theericlarson : If I buy Star Trek Into Darkness on Blu Ray at @Kmart will you come to my house and piss on my rug?
Patrick Stewart meets his inanimate namesake, Joss Whedon’s tip for the next Doctor and Neil Gaiman tours the UK in the latest Tweets Of The Week
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In what’s likely to go down as the best publicised book tour since the Bible started making the rounds, SFX guest-editor Neil Gaiman has been live-tweeting regular updates during his journey across the UK in order to promote his new novel, The Ocean At The End Of The Lane . Newsnight, The Guardian, Radio 2, Radio 4,Bath,London and lots and lots of signings – no stone was left untweeted. So, if you ever want to know what Neil Gaiman is up to, check Twitter.
@charltonbrooker So far The Last Of Us seems pretty good, if a tad depressing. It’s a bit like working in an oblivion factory. I don’t know what that means.
Two impossible pairs of feet, the great Supernatural live tweet and a Star Trek logo you can eat! All in the latest Tweets Of The Week (opens in new tab)
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One of Twitter’s greatest advantages over other forms of social media is that it runs in real time, and with a client like Tweetdeck, Hootsuite, Tweetlogix or Tweetbot you can receive updates by the second, whatever device you’re using while procrastinating working on the web. This has the potential to change the nature and dissemination of news forever, but more important than that, it means your favourite sci-fi stars can live-tweet episodes as they air, as the cast and crew of Supernatural did for last week’s episode “Pac-Man Fever”, guest-starring Felicia Day.
Despite Miss Day’s status as Queen of the Interwebs it was semi-regular Tweeter Jared Padalecki who offered the most interesting 140 character factoids, while writer Robbie Thompson posted a bunch of behind the scenes pics. Live-tweeting episodes is a common occurrence on Twitter (the cast of Being Human US and Warehouse 13 do it almost every week, for example) so ensure you’re following the stars of your favourite shows for behind-the-scenes snippets you won’t find elsewhere. Who needs DVDs featurettes anyway?
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@feliciaday Last Supernatural Tweet: Did anyone notice Charlie is wearing a Lying Cat shirt from Saga (best comic EVER?!) Nice touch @rthompson1138 !
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@jarpad 1- they cut my line “can I move?” from the gun range scene… It was an homage to Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
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@rthompson1138 big props to The Carver (esp. for listening to my first 236 terrible video game pitches) and the rest of the #SPN writers #PacManFever
@edgarwright I was disappointed to discover that there is no ‘Ant Man’ tag at the end of ‘Iron Man 3’. Although to be fair, I didn’t actually direct one.
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@mrdrewpearce Crossover #IronMan3 Fact: one of Tony’s jokes also appears, slightly altered, in the first episode of my barely-seen TV series “No Heroics”.
First one may’ve inspired the arrival of Wesley. Would’ve really liked to have seen the second one comes to pass! pic.twitter.com/IXKM8zqOPY
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@LordGrimdark I frequently get emails from people saying, ‘have you considered making your books into films?’ Have they considered giving me $300,000,000?
An Adventure In Space And Time wraps filming, Felicia Day gets some flowers from Misha Collins and Nathan Fillion declares his favourite Canadian, all in the latest Tweets of the Week (opens in new tab)
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If you’re the kind of fan who likes to know when a film or TV show has stopped/started filming, or likes obscure behind the scenes pictures then Twitter is the perfect social network for you. Doctor Who fans have reason to be particularly excited because even though Steven Moffat is still MIA, Mark Gatiss and the team behind 50th anniversary docudrama An Adventure In Space And Time have been tweeting their socks off in recent weeks with updates from the set. Unfortunately, if this is the first you’re hearing about this you’re too late because as the next bunch of Tweets will make abundantly clear, filming wrapped this very week:
@Josh_Friedman A lot of TSCC fans like to tweet me their anger at Fox 4 canceling show. I’ve always said–they made a perfectly reasonable biz decision.
Yesterday I may have compared TSCC to The Wire. Let me clarify: The Wire is fuckloads better.
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@sebroche Yes I think we need a bit of Balthazar in Supernatural season 9
Edgar Wright’s dream role in Doctor Who , Nathan Fillion’s email signatures and is Venom in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 ? All in the latest Tweets Of The Week
If Twitter’s contributed one thing to the collective knowledge of the world, it’s the inevitably in all our hearts that one day an army of Justin Bieber obsessives will rise and conquer the earth. If it’s contributed two things, the other would be director Marc Webb’s intriguing daily insights into filming on The Amazing Spider-Man 2 , destined to be analysed right down to the file name by internet sleuths.
Day 3 is the most intriguing here. As Crave (opens in new tab) points out 14 is the number of the locker Peter Parker and Eddie Brock find the venom suit in Ultimate Spider-Man, and the #happybirthday is for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 ’s Dane DeHann, who stars as Harry Osborn in the super-sequel. Speculative conclusion – Harry is one day destined to don the symbiote suit.
The SFX Twitter Stream
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Mr. @markgatiss promised me that I will play the lead part in a special Dr Who biopic solely covering the character of Adric. My dream role.
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@edgarwright With twist ending where he ends up marrying an Ankylosaurus.
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My email signature on iPhone: Sent by Pigeon. iPad: From my Commodore 64. When #GameofThrones is on: Sent by Raven. Yours?
The Hobbit’s 48 frames, Man Of Steel and Patrick Stewart’s Christmas tree are the hot topics on the latest Tweets Of The Week
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Even if the idea of watching Halflings, dwarves and wizards wander across New Zealand makes you break out in hives, you have to see The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey to be part of the discussion on 48fps.
We already know X-Men Days Of Future Past director Bryan Singer is a fan (opens in new tab) and James Cameron is likely to make the two Avatar sequels in 48fps (or higher) but now that The Hobbit : An Unexpected Journey has opened around the globe more genre film-makers have been weighing in on the debate surrounding 48fps and 3D:
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@ManMadeMoon “Oh! 3D 48fps. NOW I love 3D!” What no part of my brain is saying right now.
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@DAVID_A_SLADE So I’ll be seeing the Hobbit this weekend in 3D at 48 fps all heavily compressed 12 year old file format. Shouldn’t they update that?
Actually, none of those really slag off 48fps, but we found it to be very distracting, so consider yourself warned!
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The SFX Twitter Stream
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@radiomaru my list of top ten movies this year is just Looper eleven times
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@TimOfLegend I’m actually hesitating setting up this new Wii U system because it means saying goodbye to my GameCube Animal Crossing town. Dilemma.
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@simonpegg Last day at @ElstreeStudios , it’s been a pleasure to shoot at such an historic location. I ate a chicken wing where the Rancor died.
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@nickjfrost I’d enjoy watching England Vs Daleks at lords. Time Lords obvs.
Star Wars , Star Wars , Star Wars , Star Wars , Star Wars … And Neil Gaiman on his Doctor Who table read, all in the latest Tweets Of the Week (opens in new tab)
We’re surprised Twitter is still standing to be honest. For several hours last night if you had any hope of reading about anything other than Star Wars and/or Disney Twitter/the internet was not the place to be.
Everyone and their Wookiee had something to say, including two of the original trilogy’s stars (though in Carrie Fisher’s case we use the term “something to say” loosely):
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@ HamillHimself Congratulations to George for today’s mega-deal! Can’t comment on Ep 7 before I have all the facts which are short supply right now-Patience
@ SethMacFarlane RT @TuesdaySwimGuy : WAIT! Since Star Wars was sold to Disney, does that mean no more family guy usage of it? // Alas, I’d bet money on it.
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@ Paul_Dini Star Wars 14: The Trademarks Strike Back: Luke, Han, Mickey, Kermit, Mater, and Spider-Man beat up some DC characters just cause they can.
Final reaction to Disney/LFL merger – Enh. When they start making toys like these, it’s only a matter of time: http://yfrog.com/h6zlgdxj (opens in new tab)
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@ emmacaulfield I’m confused. There are only three SW movies right? The last one came out in 1983 I think. Ended with the FORCE kicking everyone’s ass.
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@ warrenellis Somewhere, someone is pitching Joss Whedon on “STAR WARS: Which Character Did You Love Best? That’s The One I’m Killing”
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@ wilw OMG you know what the Disney purchase of Star Wars means? DANCING JAR JAR IN DISNEYLAND PARADES. We have to go back in time to fix this.
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@ scalzi : Anyone who refers to the original Star Wars movie a “A New Hope” MUST BE PURIFIED BY FIRE. Just so you know. [A-fucking-men]
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@ ZacharyLevi The only concern I have is if I get to play young Han Solo. For realsies people. This is do or die for me. #Ishotfirst
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@ JamesGunn The good news is Star Wars is coming back! 🙂 The bad news is, because of studio budget cuts, they’re all gonna be found footage films. 🙁
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@ grumpygamer The eight years I spent a Lucasfilm were some of the most fun and influential years of my life and I do want to thank George Lucas for that.
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@ TimOfLegend Why is everyone obsessed with Disney buying Star Wars? We should be focusing on the REAL story right now: Disney buying Grim Fandango!!!
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@ kyle_newman If you have concerns about this Disney acquisition of Lucasfilm you are crazy. This means movies AND a theme park. Relax and enjoy. In 3D.
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@ mrmarkmillar Hamill, Fisher %26 Ford should be in this as they are in real life. The characters have aged. No biggie. I didn’t mind Kenobi being 60.
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Continue on to page 2 for all non- Star-Wars -related Tweets, including Neil Gaiman on his next Doctor Who table read…
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@ neilhimself Tomorrow I go to my Dr Who Table read. On Friday I become Badger for a Story Museum photo. On Monday I see my wife in Vienna. I am grateful.
It’s amazing how quickly things move online. Tweets Of The Week takes a seven-day break from API calls and failwhales, and there’s enough sci-fi goodness to fill three whole pages.
One piece of sci-fi goodness proved particularly momentous by confirming Twitter’s power in modern movie marketing. Simon Pegg’s new film A Fantastic Fear Of Everything had it’s new trailer debut last week, but not on Apple Trailers or Yahoo, as you might expect. Pegg introduced it to the world through his Twitter account. “Madness!” you might hear some distant movie PR screaming, but when your star has more followers than you do pounds in the budget (almost) it kind of makes sense.
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@ simonpegg http://twitvid.com/FWK8Z (opens in new tab) – As promised, a Twitter exclusive. Coming soon, from @CrispianMills , I give you A Fantastic Fear of Everything…
Special mention also to Arthur Darvill this week, who posted this pair of somewhat disturbing portraits – Arthur by Karen and Karen by Arthur (can you guess which is which). We expect both to appear in our nightmares any day now.
@ NathanFillion I can’t believe @alan_tudyk did an April Fool joke about Firefly coming back. Dude. Too soon.
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@ alan_tudyk I take a travel day and ignore twitter to find Nathan Fillion has made me the butt of his April Fool’s Day japes and monkey-shines- that Mal
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@ OldRoberts953 Went to first readthrough of new BBC Wales show Wizards V Aliens today. AMAZING cast, can’t wait for you to see them!
Tweets of the Week continues on page two, with Ron Weasley’s biggest fan revealed, Duncan Jones on the scriptwriting process and Jon Favreau teasing his upcoming JJ Abrams/Eric Kripke pilot Revolution …
@ DAVID_LYNCH @ rustyrockets Thank you for tweeting about Crazy Clown Time. You’re very observant because I did secretly model it after Debby Does Dallas.
What’s stopping Steven Moffat writing Doctor Who ? Which Smallvile alum is joining the cast of The Vampire Diaries ? And what’s up with Scott Pilgrim’s hat? All in this week’s tweets (more…)
Sad news about Psychoville, what if Lars Von Trier directed Star Wars and Simon Pegg buddies up with Edgar Wright in LA, all in this week’s tweets (more…)