Ocarina of Time video: Deku Tree FAP

It begins. I’m going to play (and record) every dungeon in Ocarina of Time while a rotating cast of GR editors stops by to ridicule my aging reflexes. As with all our FAPs, don’t expect the topic to stay focused on Zelda – we’ll try, but when we all get in a room it’s hard to concentrate on the task at hand.

First up is the Deku Tree dungeon, which is accessed within the first 10 minutes of this legendary quest. It’s a fairly straightforward dungeon meant to ease you into the concept of a 3D Zelda game. It does so beautifully, offering just enough simple puzzles to prepare you for far more elaborate sections later in the game. That said, I’ll probably bitch to high heaven about the Z-targeting or odd camera issues. And by “probably” I mean “already did.”

Fun fact: The boss, Gohma, first appeared as the boss of the sixth dungeon in the original Legend of Zelda.

Next up: Dodongo’s Cavern!

May 24, 2011

It begins. I’m going to play (and record) every dungeon in Ocarina of Time while a rotating cast of GR editors stops by to ridicule my aging reflexes. As with all our FAPs, don’t expect the topic to stay focused on Zelda – we’ll try, but when we all get in a room it’s hard to concentrate on the task at hand.

First up is the Deku Tree dungeon, which is accessed within the first 10 minutes of this legendary quest. It’s a fairly straightforward dungeon meant to ease you into the concept of a 3D Zelda game. It does so beautifully, offering just enough simple puzzles to prepare you for far more elaborate sections later in the game. That said, I’ll probably bitch to high heaven about the Z-targeting or odd camera issues. And by “probably” I mean “already did.”

Fun fact: The boss, Gohma, first appeared as the boss of the sixth dungeon in the original Legend of Zelda.

Next up: Dodongo’s Cavern!

May 24, 2011

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About Fox

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