PlayStation 3 gamers still stinging over that backwards-compatibility fracas from a while back (let it go, honestly) may find comfort in a new series unveiled by Sony. The PSP Remasters line will offer HD ports of selected PSP games, bumped up with as many PS3 features as will fit into them – as well as save-game compatibility with the PSP versions of the titles, offering the most spurious of justifications for buying, say, Peace Walker twice.
The PSP Remasters series will offer Blu-Ray based, full HD versions of selected PSP titles (presumably “selected” means “won’t look like utter shit in HD”) with 3D and unspecified “add-on content” to be potentially added to some titles. The series will also be compatible with PSP ad-hoc play. Obvious candidates like the PSP editions of God of War or GTA haven’t been announced for Remaster treatment yet: so far, the only confirmed title is the currently-Japan-only Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (“Monster Hunter Freedom 3” internationally).
Above is a video announcement for the series, which highlights the PS3 version of Monster Hunter. How does it look to you? Which PSP titles would you like to see upscaled for PS3?
May 23, 2011