Bayonetta will be an unlockable character in the studio’s forthcoming fighting game, Anarchy Reigns. The catch? Platinum Games is using its shapeshifting witch as an Anarchy Reigns pre-order bonus in Japan. That being said, Sileconera pointed out Bayonetta’s cameo was first rumored on the western (Spanish-language) website Zonared, indicating the offer may be extended outside of Japan’s borders. It’s a stretch, but here’s hoping.
The cross-over makes sense considering Anarchy Reigns is a Platinum Games project. Even if Bayonetta isn’t added to the western version beforehand, odds are Sega will sell her as DLC at a later date.
Anarchy Reigns is described as an online beat ’em up which engages players in a little bit of the ole ultra-violence using characters from Platinum Games’ MadWorld, as well as a number of new additions. See more of the multiplayer fighter in our preview, E3 2011: Anarchy Reigns: hands-on with bizarre brawler – and look for it to stain PS3 and Xbox 360 on July 3 in North America, and July 6 in the UK.