Saints Row: The Thirds The Trouble With Clones DLC released today, welcomes back Johnny Gat

Johnny Gat makes his triumphant return to the Saints crew today in The Trouble With Clones, Volition’s latest piece of mission-based DLC for Saints Row: The Third. See why the great Gat’s resurrection may be more trouble than it’s worth in today’s DLC launch trailer:

The Trouble With Clones was released today for download on Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, OnLive, and Steam; although it has yet to appear on the latter at time of print. The set up this time around is that the late Johnny Gat has been cloned by his biggest fan and, predictably, that clone has only bloodlust and wanton destruction on its mind. As detailed on the official Saints Row: The Third site and in trailer above, the DLC will feature new toys, vehicles, homies, and the Saints Flow superhuman energy drink; all of which can be used in combination to bring Gat down to size.

The Trouble With Clones is selling for $6.99 (560 Microsoft Points), but free to Season Pass holders. Speaking of which, this is the final DLC planned for the Season Pass program. However, considering we’re only halfway through the 40 weeks of proposed DLC, you may want to still want to hang on to your copy a little while longer.

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