As Earth passes through another Equinox and you mark the occasion by staying indoors and playing videogames, Rovio’s doing its bit for earthly awareness of what’s going on Up There. The company’s educational measure is admittedly a little self-serving, as it involves tomorrow’s release of the space-themed installment in its phenomenally popular Angry Birds series. Here’s the trailer.
Having roped in the assistance of NASA’s Don Pettit for the first Angry Birds Space: Gameplay (opens in new tab) clip, the company’s all out of spacebound testimonials; however, diligent Twitter-stalkers will note that this latest clip does find room for the glowing endorsement of one @fourzerotwo (opens in new tab), AKA Infinity Ward creative strategist Robert Bowling. And if the brains of Modern Warfare 3 can find time to fling some birds into orbit, surely even you grizzled hardcore-only toughniks can stretch to seeing what all the fuss is about?