Play The Secret of Monkey Island with us – GamesRadars Game Club for September

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Last month we introduced GamesRadar’s Game Club, a monthly feature/podcast where we invite you to play a classic game you may have missed (or just want to revisit). The first game on the list was Beyond Good & Evil, and we’re continuing the feature with…

The Secret of Monkey Island!

That’s right! We’re playing LucasArts’ classic, pirate-filled point-and-click adventure that started the beloved series. Monkey Island is on our list of the best games ever, and we ranked it as number one on our best point-and-click adventure game list, so we really think you’ll like it.

We’ve made some changes to the Game Club based on your feedback. Most notably, we’re only doing one episode at the end of the month instead of playing it weekly, making it much, much easier for you to keep up and play the game along with us.

So, play it with us! You can download The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition on Steam or PSN for $10, Xbox Live (opens in new tab) for 800 Microsoft Points, or iTunes (opens in new tab) for $3! It’s crazy cheap and you can play it on almost anything, and if you haven’t played it, you’ve missed out on one of the best games of all time. Take this as the excuse you need to play it–that’s what we’re doing.

Here’s what GamesRadar’s Editor-in-Chief, Sophia Tong, has to say about the game that she’s played through so many times she lost count: “The Secret of Monkey Island is one of my favorite games of all time. It has everything you would want in an excellent adventure game: great atmosphere, awesome soundtrack, hilarious dialogue, and wacky puzzles. Guybrush might be a bit of a goof, but you can’t help but root for the guy who just really wants to be a pirate, I mean, who wouldn’t?”

All you need to do is pick up the game, play it with us, and then check back at the end of the month. We’ll be posting a follow-up article and a podcast where GamesRadar’s staffers will get together and discuss the ins and outs of the classic game.

And if you don’t like it, well… then… “Look behind you, a Three-Headed Monkey!”

About Fox

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