Bryan Singer has tweeted some exciting news regarding X-Men: Days Of Future Past , with the director confirming that old hands Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen will be returning to the fold.
Singer broke the news on the social networking site before also confirming the return of Jennifer Lawrence, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Nicholas Hoult.
How the two veteran’s will fit in remains to be seen, although the comic-book source material deals with alternate narratives, with part of the story taking place in a dystopian future where the mutant population is being terrorised by the Sentinels.
Kitty Pryde time travels from said future to warn the X-Men, which might be how McKellen and Stewart will be able to share the same film as Fassbender and McAvoy.
In any case, it will be nice to see the two old-stagers back in action, particularly if they get to share a few scenes together. X-Men: Days Of Future Past opens in the UK on 18 July 2014.