Unveiled at the VGAs this weekend, here’s the new trailer for Tom Clancy’s Rainbow 6: Patriots. Want to see what kind of technical or gameplay innovations the series has made since its last appearance in 2008? Good for you, that’s just special. This clip would much rather push the buttons of anyone who’s read a single story about politics in the last few years.
2011’s been a fine year for games’ time-honored practice of trolling the mainstream media and the easily-offended alike – with standouts including Modern Warfare 3’s child-killing, the release of a licensed Blackwater game and, um, Portal 2’s barbed jibes against adopted people. But with a clip that could make waves among everyone from Wall Street to supporters of movements like Occupy or the Tea Party, Clancy’s pals at Ubisoft have distinguished themselves – and in a manner that manages to be both comparatively classy and undeniably attention-grabbing.
Looking forward to seeing more of the game? The series isn’t due to return until 2013, so expect plenty more teases over the next year.