The Campaign , Jay Roach’s political comedy, has released a pair of new posters showing rival candidates Cam Brady and Marty Huggins (played by Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis respectively) getting their most authoritative poses on.
Ferrell plays the incumbent Congressman Brady, who is expecting to stroll unopposed to his fifth term in office, only to find himself in a two-horse race with local halfwit, Marty Huggins.
Initially ruffled by the concept of having to actually run a race, Brady soon slips back into gear as the polished public face of politics, but finds there is growing support for Huggins’ down-home policies and cuddly nature.
“It wasn’t a conscious thing, but I certainly thought about [ Sarah Palin ],” says Galifianakis of his character, before going on to reveal his own dabblings with political office. “In sixth grade I ran for class president. I remember I was doing my locker combination and they announced the winner and I didn’t get it. That’s when I gave up on life.”
The Campaign will open in the UK on 28 September 2012. In the meantime, you can check out both posters in full below, as Ferrell and Galifianakis try their level best to out-buffoon each other…