Lost And Smallville Guest Stars For Chuck

Yep, the show with the greatest sci-fi guest stars ever continues its trend into its final season

Chuck is continues to a veritable hub for anyone playing a sci-fi specific game of Six Degrees Of Separation. As the show enters its final season it’s still finding new fanboy-pleasing guest stars to sign up.

TVLine (opens in new tab) reports that latest pair sci-ficons recruited for the show are Smallville ’s Justin Hartley (Oliver Queen/Green Arrow) and Lost ’s Jeff Fahey (pilot Frank Lapidus – though those with longer memories will also recall that he was the original Lawnmower Man ).

Now the spoilery details, if you want to avert your eyes…

Fahey will play Karl Sneijder, president and CEO of Natal Jewellers, a man who’s been on the CIA radar for a while now. He comes to Chuck and Sarah’s spy agency Carmichael Industries for help when his innocent little brother, Wesley (played by Hartley) is kidnapped.

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