First trailer for Jack Blacks Bernie

Bernie , Richard Linklater’s latest collaboration with Jack Black, has released a first trailer for the documentary-style film, in which Black’s eponymous hero is pushed to breaking point by mean old Shirley MacLaine.

Black plays Bernie, a funeral director who just happens to be one of the most popular residents of a small, rural town. When he becomes companion to a sour old widow (MacLaine), the townsfolk are stunned as to how he can put up with her… until she turns up dead.

Was nice, unassuming Bernie pushed too far by the old buzzard? Or is there some other explanation for her mysterious passing? Check out the new trailer below, and make your own mind up…

Happily, this looks like something of a return to form for Black, after a series of blockbuster flops have seen his star on the wane in recent years. Could this be the truly black comedy Jack’s been waiting for?

We also like Matthew McConaughey’s input as the town’s one dissenting voice, while MacLaine looks suitably shrewish as the deceased. Bernie opens in the US on 27 April 2012, with a UK release date yet to be confirmed.

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