First images of Bachelorette online

The first pics from gal-pal romp Bachelorette have been unveiled, with winsome trio Kirsten Dunst, Isla Fisher and Lizzy Caplan leading the line.

Written and directed by Leslye Headland (TV’s Terriers ), it follows three friends who are asked to be bridesmaids to the woman they called ‘Pigface’ at high school, and it should bring a touch of humour to Sundance when it plays there next month.

True Blood star Caplan will play a hottie disturbingly described as ‘a Playboy Bunny body with a Larry David brain’ (a winning body-swap premise in itself), while Dunst will put in a frosty turn as her ‘crisp and severe’ friend.

While it may sound like the cynical lovechild of Bridesmaids and The Hangover , this Will Ferrell-Adam MacKay produced indie was made for just $3 million and is based on an off-Broadway play.

Diluting the oestrogen will be James Marsden, Adam Scott and Kyle Bornheimer as the girls’ male counterparts.

Check out the rest of the images here:

Here’s the official synopsis if you’re interested:

Unresolved issues between four high school friends come roaring back to life when the least popular of them gets engaged to one of the most eligible bachelors in New York City and asks the others to be bridesmaids in her wedding.

Bachelorette will open later in 2012.

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