Forthcoming comic from SFX Weekender faves Tony Lee and Dan Boultwood set for Stateside small screen
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Danger Academy , the forthcoming comic from legendary creative team Tony Lee and Dan Boultwood described as Harry Potter meets James Bond , is set to be made into a US cartoon series for TV.
Lee has confirmed the Internet leak to SFX , saying, “We always had this in our minds as more as a cartoon than movie, so to have it developed as an animated series is a dream come true. And the team involved are established, well known and understand the book, so we’re in great hands.”
Kickstart, the company behind such animated series as Wolverine And The X-Men and The Amazing Screw-On Head, is developing Danger Academy with a Hollywood writer/producer for American television.
The first comic is due out in December, but you can quiz Tony and Dan about Danger Academy at the SFX Weekender, where they’ll be presenting a workshop on Friday at 2pm.
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