Pixar to make a Star Wars movie?

Ever since Disney acquired the Star Wars franchise, there has been a lot of talk about what’s in store: New instalments in the saga, spin-off films, TV shows, comics… and now it seems that Pixar might be heading for the bright centre of Disney’s franchise universe.

Latino Review are reporting that the animation studio are working on their very own Star wars movie, although there’s no word yet on any details other than just that.

While the news should be taken with a Death Star full of salt for now, with no official confirmation, or indeed any idea about what story might be told or who’s involved, it certainly makes sense for Pixar to become involved in Disney’s largest franchises.

And of course, if a film is being planned, thanks to Pixar’s long lead time with making movies, it really will be far, far away.

They already have 2015 sewn up, and Inside Out, The Good Dinosaur and Finding Dory are all planned for 2016, so the earliest we can probably expect the film might be 2017.

And by then, there could be any number of ways for the film to be tied into the larger Star Wars universe that we don’t even know about yet.

Or maybe we’ll just end up with a big-screen version of the old Ewoks cartoon series?

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