The weekly quiz celebrates the men and women who provide vital superhero back-up
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Where would a superhero be without his sidekick eh? And where would slash fiction writers be, for that matter?
There have been some classic superhero pairings over the years: Batman and Robin, Green Hornet and Kato, Superted and Spotty, Dangermouse and Penfold. But all those would be a little too easy. So instead, we have 12 slightly less well known superhero sidekicks below, and all we need you to do is name them, and tell us who they partnered. Could it be any simpler? (Well, it will be on Friday when we give you the answers).
No prizes. Not even a naff trophy. This is just for fun and bragging rights.
Usual request: Please don’t put answers in the comments section below (though feel free to use it to boast/bemoan how well/badly you’re doing) but the folks on this thread are quite happy for you to post and discuss answers if you follow the golden rule of only posting answers in invisible text (if you don’t know how ask somebody there – they’re very friendly).
Answers on the next page
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Answers on the next page