If there’s one thing we always look forward to in Assassin’s Creed games, it’s… well, stabbing things, really. But the second thing we always look forward to is meeting an eclectic mix of historical figures a la Leonardo da Vinci and George Washington, and Assassin’ Creed Syndicate is generous enough to give us some more. Last month it was announced that the likes of Karl Marx and Florence Nightingale would be joining Darwin and Dickens in digital London, and now a new trailer is showing them off in all their 3D-modeled glory.
This peek at the giants of the past not only highlights how these folks impacted the world (for those of you who didn’t pay attention in history class), but also gives some hints about how protagonists Jacob and Evie will interact with them. Famous inventor Alexander Graham Bell looks to be Syndicate’s counterpart to da Vinci, designer of weapons and asset to the twins. You can also see Evie talking heatedly with the father of Communism and Jacob getting on Darwin’s nerves, suggesting that the two are developing at least a few colorful relationships with these equally colorful characters.
This trailer only features the Assassins’ allies, so it’s still uncertain which historical characters will take up the Templar mantle (and in a series where you beat up the Pope, you know there’s going to be at least one). Our money’s still on Scottish scientist David Brewster, but we’ll only know for sure when Syndicate takes a leap of faith onto shelves next week.