When Vampires Gatecrash

Is there anything more cringeworthy than that moment when the non-genre show you’re watching suddenly decides to introduce a “vampire”? Jayne Nelson takes a look at a few fang-filled offenders…


“Vampire Weekend”

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“Looks like Buffy’s visiting the Big Apple,” quips Nathan Fillion’s dashing author, Richard Castle, in this tongue-in-cheek Halloween episode of the otherwise non-supernatural cop show. Not surprising, really, seeing as he’s just found a body in a graveyard wearing fangs and with a stake through its heart…

In case you’ve never caught Castle , Fillion’s a superstar crime writer trailing a New York detective as research for his latest novel. “Vampire Weekend” sees the investigators seeking out a vampire cult led by an Anne Rice reject named Morlock (who’s actually just sensitive to sunlight rather than being a real bloodsucker). Thankfully the Castle writing team are more clued in to the nuances of geeky behaviour than most American show writers (hell, Fillion even wore his old Firefly costume in one episode!), which is probably why the vampires aren’t presented with that horrible faux-seriousness afflicting other
shows (see Law & Order ) and it’s all a bloody good laugh. Literally.

Vamp or no vamp? Just a bunch of obsessives mucking around.

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