Earlier this month Nintendo announced four new games for its budget-priced Selects line. Not long after, it sent copies of each newly packaged game to our doorstep – and today we wanna pass ‘em on to you!
This prize pack includes: Super Mario Galaxy, one of the greatest games of this console generation; Punch-Out!!, a worthy follow-up to the beloved NES and SNES originals; Super Paper Mario, an early-day Wii RPG that has been severely overlooked since its release; and Mario Strikers Charged, a pretty OK soccer title. Each has been recently marked down to $20 and branded in the “Nintendo Selects” line.
To enter, just post a comment on this article by 9:00am PST, Monday September 5. You can read our official contest rules here. US and Canada residents only please. Our apologies to readers from other countries. Winners will be selected at random and can expect to receive a PM from one of our administrators early next week. Don’t forget to check your inbox on the site to see if you’ve won!
Also… pretty sure this is my last article, so BYE EVERYBODY!
Sep 3, 2011