Watch Destiny legend DeeJ chat to us about Destiny 2: Forsaken on Gamescom After Dark!

Can’t get enough Destiny 2 (opens in new tab) in your life, Guardians? Well, we have some good news: it’s just been confirmed that at our Gamescom After Dark show (opens in new tab) DeeJ (opens in new tab) himself, Destiny 2 expert extraordinaire, is going to be joining us to talk through a chunk of Destiny 2: Forsaken (opens in new tab). Tune in to our official Twitch channel (opens in new tab) on Wednesday 22 August at 19.45 CEST / 13.45 EST / 10.45 PST to see him in action.

We’re going to be grilling DeeJ (in a good way, promise) about how Destiny 2: Forsaken is going to change Destiny, as well as what we should expect from the gargantuan expansion when it arrives on September 4. So far we know that Cayde-6 is really, truly dead (RIP), and that the campaign has a non-linear structure, letting your Guardian get into scuffles that might be waaaay above their level and simply let you figure out how to survive rather than locking missions behind XP walls. By the sounds of it, Year Two is setting its sights on players having long-term reasons to play and making Destiny a hobby again. Patrolling on Old Russia was a fond pastime of many Guardians so a return to that kind of structure looks like it could be on the horizon. We’ll be asking DeeJ whether that’s a possibility so come and watch along with us! 

Gamescom After Dark is bringing you all the games from the show itself for those of you that can’t make it to the event and gorge yourself on bratwurst and kolsch. Running on Wednesday August 22 and Thursday August 23, it kicks off at 19.00 CEST / 18.00 BST / 10.00 PST / 13.00 EST. 

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