Watch our Ade and Dave judge a zombie talent show as Future US, Image Comics and Hyundai take San Diego by storm
What does a car need to survive a zombie apocalypse? Visitors to the Future booth at San Diego Comic-Con found out: a custom cow-catcher with spikes, slatted armoured window coverings, a roof hatch to allow passengers to shoot at walkers, an electric rear trunk to house weapons, all‐terrain tires, weapons storage compartments, PA system and more.
This vehicle was on display throughout the event (has it really been a week since it finished already?) and fans could also take pot shots at zombie cut-outs with NERF guns plus sign up for the chance to win a new 2013 Hyundai Elantra GT car, custom wrapped with The Walking Dead graphics.
The zombie highlights of the show took place on Friday, as cosplayers lined up to take part in an “America’s Got Zombies”-style costume competition. Your chums Adrian Hill and Dave Bradley were on the judging panel and you can watch a video of it right here:
That evening, the undead entertainment continued with an exclusive Walking Dead -themed party at the Petco Park baseball stadium. “Gore was encouraged, and making sure it was executed on a level that would make The Walking Dead fans proud was key,” Brian Diamond, co-owner of the Visionary Group that produced and designed the event, told BizBash . SFX , Total Film and Comic Heroes were there, and here are a few photos (click on a picture to embiggen):

Over 130,000 fans squeezed into the San Diego Convention Center again this year to hear about the latest games, TV shows, films, comics and more. You can read more about this 43rd annual convention, which ran from Thursday 12 July to Sunday 15 July, in the print edition of SFX (opens in new tab) on sale in August.
Find out more about The Walking Dead activity at Comic-Con 2012 at , and . The Walking Dead TV show airs on FX in the UK. Thanks to everybody who came and supported us at Comic-Con this year.