The Suicide Squad director James Gunn recently confirmed on Twitter that his quasi-sequel is done, including VFX, and that the movie was completely his from start to finish. He also teased the possibility of additional DC content from him in the future.
The filmmaker teased that there’s “definitely more on the horizon”, which at first appeared to be a reference to the Peacemaker TV series about John Cena’s character that’s currently in production. In the same tweet, he stated that he’s “halfway through shooting a season of a TV show’s first season.”
I’m already more than halfway through shooting a season of a TV show’s first season. So there is definitely more on the horizon.April 19, 2021
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However, that hasn’t stopped fans speculating that there could be more DC Comic adaptions on the way from Gunn. He is clearly open to the idea and loves the characters.
Gunn has been working with Cena on the upcoming Peacemaker series – a member of The Suicide Squad member getting his own TV spin-off. Cena is reprising his role, and Gunn wrote the series and directed some of the episodes.
The director mentioned some of the difficulties the Peacemakers helmet caused while shooting both the Suicide Squad sequel and the tv show, writing: “Peacemaker’s helmet is a damn mirror ball and we need to remove me and the crew from every single shot in which we use it, in the movie and in the show.”
Yes. Peacemaker’s helmet is a damn mirror ball, & we need to remove me & the crew from every single shot in which we use it, in the movie & in the show. We shoot a full wraparound plate of every set (most of which are fortunately practical) to put in the helmet when needed. 19, 2021
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For now, fans will have to wait and see what else is on the horizon for the Guardians of the Galaxy director, but at least they won’t have to wait much longer for The Suicide Squad, which hits theaters and HBO Max on August 6.
You can also find more DC movies streaming on HBO Max, checkout out our list of all the DC movies in order.