The SFX Top 25 Films Of The Year


9 Thor

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Director: Kenneth Branagh
Starring: Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins, Tim Hiddleston

Thor always seemed destined to be the also-ran of this year’s superhero output. Instead it turned out to be one of the champs. There was always a chance/fear that the halls of Asgard would be given a makeover for the MTV generation. And how could such a cosmic concept fit in with the live-action Marvel shared universe? It may work in the comics but surely on screen it would be a culture clash of the Titans.

But Branagh solved all that by opting for the full-on, completely over-the-top cinematic treatment, and its camp excesses were perfect. Somehow by embracing whole crazy concept instead of downplaying it, Branagh hit the nail on the head with his own Mjǫlnir.

Talking of camp excesses, Hemsworth’s Thor appears to have been lifted straight out of the pages of a comic – a perfect fit for the scenes in Asgard, and a perfect fish out of water for the scenes on Earth. Hiddleston (as Loki) was also a revelation – an effective foil for Thor, and every moment he was onscreen was a moment to cherish.

Lots of people went to see this, feeling they should at least make an effort as it leads in to Whedon’s Avengers movie, and the quality of the movie surprised absolutely everyone! That’s not an exaggeration, by the way – I asked them all! (The things I do for SFX !)

So, for sheer operatic glory and spectacle, combined with lashings of menace and humour, Thor is one of 2011’s stand-out movies.

Best moment: Too many to mention, but for sheer likeability, the moment when Thor smashes a coffee cup to the floor of a café and proclaims: “This drink! I like it! Another!”

Lee Harris

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