The Amazing Spider-Man is performing well at the box office and scoring widespread critical acclaim, so much so that Sony have announced it will be the first instalment in a new trilogy of Spidey films.
Despite predictions that the wall-crawler would struggle in a summer dominated by The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises , The Amazing Spider-Man netted $35m on its opening day in the States, giving it the biggest Tuesday opening of all time.
With experts estimating that the film will hit the $150m mark by the end of the weekend, it should come as no surprise that Sony have decided to bite the bullet and give the okay to a further two films in the franchise.
” The Amazing Spider-Man is the first instalment in a movie trilogy that will explore how our fave hero’s journey was shaped by the disappearance of his parents,” says a new post on the film’s official Facebook page.
Director Marc Webb has revealed he’s already been turning over ideas for a potential second film, although he hasn’t been confirmed to return as yet. However, with the first film continuing to put bums on seats, we’d be surprised if he didn’t get a telephone call sooner rather than later.