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In the
Above: A new arcade opened in San Francisco and we had to go there immediately
Above: Chris was having lots of fun with his new 3DS
In the
Above: Mooshon celebrates the non-existent episode 151
Above: Things got a little personal when joking with Tyler and Ampatent recreated that tense moment
Above: Frankie understands our feelings for Thor
Above: Graboids understands how Monday recordings make Brett feel
Above: This came from the mysterious MG
Above: Batman5273 makes Chris’ Sega fantasy come alive
Above: Robotmand answered Chris’ request from Tuesday
Above: And lastly, Cleanser247 answered Brett’s plea for Hitler’s reaction to Tuesday’s TalkRadar
Post date: May 13, 2011
T-Dar152 length: 1:43:20
Intro song by: Anamanaguchi
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