Shovel Knight developer Yacht Club Games has released a massive pack of concept art from the last seven years.
You can pick up the Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove art asset pack for free right now under the Creative Commons 4.0 license. You get, as Yacht Club has explained via Kickstarter (opens in new tab), a nearly 1 GB zip file containing all of the art from the 7 years of the game’s production. That’s a whole lot of Shovel Knight, if anyone’s counting.
“We’ve been wanting to do this for a long time,” Yacht Club wrote on Kickstarter. “The spark of the idea came way back in 2013 during the Shovel Knight Kickstarter when someone shared with us a picture of an unknown game dev at a game jam using Shovel Knight sprites as reference. He was making art for HIS game referencing art from OUR game. We love the idea of enabling other game devs!”
The assets included in the gigantic pack include “huge” pixel art, with sprites, animation cycles, backgrounds, and even some cut content sprinkled throughout for good measure. You’ll need to use a program called Pro Motion NG (opens in new tab) to view some of the raw content, which Yacht Club has suggested themselves.
If you’re thinking that sifting through a huge repository of art from an excellent platforming series sounds like a great weekend activity, Yacht Club Games has you covered.
If you’d much rather play the actual game, you can pick up Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove on PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, and PC.
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