The first DLC for Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster, Double Fine’s kid-friendly Kinect title, is available now on XBLA. The Unidentified Furry Objects pack adds a new chapter to the game, telling the story of a gang of otherworldly visitors who come out of the sky to do all the things G-rated extraterrestrials tend to do. That is to say, bike-riding and Reese’s Pieces-craving are a go; chest-bursting and probing, less so.
Unidentified Furry Objects’ new chapter includes six pages, containing problem-solving, body-moving and valuable lessons for kids about alien friendship. In the olden days, these were imparted via guest appearances by Robin Williams, but the cost of having the Patch Adams star personally visit each Once Upon a Monster buyer for puppet adventures proved prohibitively expensive. This way, the content retains its 400 MSP pricetag, and you’re left alone with the task of explaining to kids exactly what the fundamental difference is between turquoise-skinned alien visitors and blue-skinned earth-monsters anyway. Leave us a comment if you come up with a satisfactory answer.