Sega has announced sale prices (opens in new tab) on nine titles across PlayStation Network and Xbox Live, offering cheap retro reissues of some solid classics and newer titles alike. PSN fans get their discounts immediately, whereas XBLA subscribers have to wait a week. Knowing what happens when XBLA players get impatient (namecalling, griefing, possibly the Apocalypse), 2K’s stepped in with some bargain content available right now.
Above: For the young or ignorant, this is what a great beat ’em up looks like
Until Nov 29, PSN users can go antiquing for Comix Zone, Streets of Rage 2 and Golden Axe at $2.99, or splurge on After Burner Climax for $4.99. XBLA subscribers have to wait until the week of Nov 22-28, but then get Streets of Rage 2 for 200 Microsoft Points, or Phantasy Star 2 at the same price. Also seeing a 50% price-cut are Crazy Taxi, Sega Rally Online Arcade, OutRun Online Arcade and Happy Tree Friends, each down to 400 MSP.
2K’s sale, active immediately, cuts prices on download action-puzzlers Axel & Pixel and Winterbottom down to 400 MSP each. There’s also discounts on DLC adventures and content for BioShock 2, Borderlands and Mafia II, as well as avatar gear themed after each of these titles: head over to Microsoft’s Special Sales page (opens in new tab) for the full list of discount content, available now until it all runs out (or something else goes on sale, because digital things never run out, they just fade away).