The development of Respawn Entertainment’s new title (name TBA) for EA is in full swing. That’s according to this latest blog post (opens in new tab) on their official site introducing their new mo-cap expert, Mario Perez, a man who has animating Hannah Montana’s game on his CV.
Regardless of that minor grey spot on his resumé the pictures taken to accompany his interview feature shots of a few men standing about covered in balls and clutching a replica red assault rifle, thus confirming GUNS ARE IN. See…
Above: The man furthest to the right in the studio is the only one with a massive weapon
Oh, how you tease Respawn. What with this blurry image (opens in new tab) and this one too (opens in new tab) they’re building the intrigue nicely and in a way usually reserved for Rockstar and their latest Grand Theft Auto. We’re almost certain to see more, a teaser trailer at least, at E3 2012, but right now we’d love to hear something, anything concrete about the game.
We’ll hopefully find out more soon but in the meantime head to Respawn’s official site (opens in new tab) to read the full interview with mo-cap man and the rest of the Respawn.