The first tidbits of information on Resident Evil 6 might have been leaked. The following image of what could be the official logo of RE6 was posted on the forms of the of the site by akiraodasan, who claims it’s from a behind-closed-doors Capcom press conference.
While the authenticity of any forum post (outside of our forums) is always questionable, we’ve still had our experts give the image an in-depth-ish analysis. They’ve told us the date that appears under the logo, Sep 15, 2011, is the opening day of this year’s Tokyo Game Show, which could indicate that Capcom may reveal more on RE6 in a couple months. The text above the date supports this theory. The words are blurry, but seem to say, “More news to come this Tokyo Game Show 2011.” The exact meaning of this cryptic message is still unclear, but feel free to post your interpretations in the comments below.
Jul 25, 2011
Source:Rely on Horror (opens in new tab)