New PlayStation Access TV features David Jaffe swearing his tits off about Twisted Metal and missiles

There now follows a merry little note from our lovely friends at PlayStation Access. Won’t you lend them your ears?

Hello! It’s Nathan from PlayStation Access TV.

Do you know PlayStation Access TV? You should – it’s a weekly video guide to PlayStation in the UK and, more importantly, it’s made by us and we have nice smiles.

It’s also full of good things, like the episode below which is packed with big games (Syndicate, yes, but also Worms 3D), loads on PS Vita and also Twisted Metal director David Jaffe, swearing.

Above: Here it is, you lucky swine!

There’s also a look behind the scenes of the new issue of Access Magazine, featuring athletic youths holding PlayStation Vitas, interviews with the guys behind SSX and Street Fighter X Tekken, and a romantic first look at filthy off-roader, Dirt Showdown.

Do give it a watch, and tell us in the comments what you think, and if there’s anything you’d like to see more of.

He’s right you know. They do have such nice smiles.

About Fox

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