Gotham City Impostors gets new map and weapons in free DLC update

Warners has released the first DLC add-on pack for Gotham City Impostors – and, what with the game having some $220-worth of paid content to choose from, this pack’s going out gratis. Included within is a new high-altitude exterior map, 25th Floor, as well as new weapons. The Kingmaker semi-automatic pistol features the fastest draw-time in the game, and the Falcon Blade is a katana with the ability to block opponents’ bullets.

Also included in the pack are an array of additional costumes, allowing your Jokers and Batmans to adopt the persona of a mentally-unhinged office worker, mentally-unhinged ninja, mentally-unhinged Mexican wrestler, and miscellaneous other accoutrements also conveying a distinctly fluid level of sanity on the part of the wearer.

Finally a new item, the Toxic Gas, keeps the Batman legacy classy with some good old-fashioned fart humor. Yes, fine, Warners: just as soon as we update one of GamesRadar’s most culturally-important pieces of journalism, your game’ll be right at the top.

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