First Assassins Creed Revelations trailer and screens have shocking, um… revelations

Even though it’s only a preview of what Ubisoft will no doubt unveil during its E3 press conference on June 6, at least this is a relatively long teaser filled with interesting moments. Billed as the final chapter in the Ezio trilogy of games, the trailer certainly has an air of finality to it, as Ezio explains how his end seems near. With glimpses of Mr. Auditore da Firenze cutting into fools interspersed with flashes of a man who seems to be Atlair, it ends with a shocking moment of the assassins’ trademark hidden blade being broken.

Along with enigmatic trailer, we also got our first real burst of screens for Revelations. So now you have something else to mull over as you wait for June 6, when the big news will be publicized on what seems to be a slow day for stories. You know, aside from Microsoft and Sony’s press conferences.

May 26, 2011

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