Poor Duke. Just when the troubled king of strip clubs and pig cops thought the negative press was behind him, now comes word the release of Duke Nukem Forever in Japan is suffering from the same old Duke delay blues.
As reported by Famitsu magazine (and later translated by Kotaku), Duke Nukem Forever will not be hitting its early March Japanese release, but instead arriving three weeks late on March 29. No reason was given for the delay, but we suspect it’s taking longer than usual to localize “Operation: Cock Block” for the Japanese market.
For what it’s worth, Duke Nukem Forever isn’t the travesty many made it out to be. Sure, GR dedicated a whole feature to everything it did wrong, but we also gave it a review of 6 out 10 which – in a normal, even-tempered world – means the game is worth at least a rental. Who knows, maybe a journey east is what the King needs to recoup some of his street cred? Assuming he makes it there, of course.
Let us know if you’re still playing Duke Nukem Forever, and if you think the franchise deserves a second (third?) chance in the comments below.