Dragon Quest X will (almost definitely) be unveiled Monday September 5

Square Enix has announced that it will be revealing the next Dragon Quest game Monday, September 5 in Japan. The news will be broadcast live through the publisher’s Ustream channel at 2 p.m. Japan time (1 a.m. Eastern time) and we have a sneaking suspicion what it’ll be about.

While Dragon Quest X wasn’t specifically mentioned, we know it’s far along in development because of a remark made by Dragon Quest series composer Koichi Sugiyama last April. Sugiyama said that he was working on the soundtrack for Dragon Quest X for some time in 2012. Furthermore, a trailer for Dragon Quest X will ship with the Dragon Quest Anniversary Collection when it comes out on September 15. The collection is a Japan-only title, but we don’t think Square Enix will put the first look at the new Dragon Quest in another game, especially when it could do something like a live online announcement preceded by an announcement that it’ll be making an announcement.

While Square Enix revealed it was making Dragon Quest X for Wii back in 2008, no details, screens, or excerpts of companion novels for the game have been revealed so far. If the broadcast is what we think it is, Dragon Quest X will be the first Dragon Quest made for a home console since Dragon Quest VIII was released in 2004, unless you count Tower of Mirrors. Which we don’t.

Sept 2, 2011

Source: Siliconera

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