Doctor Who: The Doctor, The Widow And The Wardrobe BBC Press Pack Interviews

Intro from Steven Moffat, plus brief interviews with Matt Smith, Alexander Armstrong and Claire Skinner

The Beeb has just released the official press pack for this year’s Doctor Who Christmas special and here are the highlights:

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Introduction by Steven Moffat

“The Doctor at Christmas – it always just feels so right. When I was a kid, Santa and the Doctor somehow lived in the same place in my head – two generous madmen that I loved so much. So now that the Doctor is a regular feature of Christmas the world is just that bit more right.

“This time we’re in England in the 1940s, and recently widowed Madge Arwell hasn’t told her children, Lily and Cyril, that their father has died flying his bomber home over the channel, because she doesn’t want Christmas to become the day that broke their hearts. But when they’re evacuated to a draughty old house in Dorset for the holidays, and meet a mysterious young caretaker in a bow tie, events take an unexpected turn. What could be inside that big blue parcel under the tree?

“Soon the Arwells find themselves in a battle for survival in a magical new land. As ever, at this time of year, the Doctor is trying to make things right, and as always it doesn’t go according to plan. But maybe he’s reckoned without the power of a determined mother. This Christmas, it might just be the lonely Time Lord who’s shown the way home.”


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