Capcom plans to add 1,000 internal developers by 2023

Capcom plans to produce more of its own games in-house, and to do that it needs more developers. It has about 1,500 in its internal studios right now, and by 2023 it wants 1,000 more. The goal given was outlined by Capcom in its most recent investor Q&A.

“We want to further improve the quality of our games by maintaining an internal game development team,” Capcom said. “The purpose of increasing our game developer team is to create a larger percentage of our games internally.”

The publisher said it does not believe its expenses will change significantly as result of this shift inward: the same number of games will be made with similar expenses, they’ll just be done within Capcom.

Capcom also revised its sales projections for Resident Evil 6 down from 7 million to 6 million (which would leave its longtime sales champ Street Fighter II for SNES on top of the dogpile).

In unrelated but kind of neat news, Capcom also apparently hopes to revitalize its arcade operations business by targeting the senior demographic:

“To attract more customer segments, we are going beyond the traditional family user segment by making arcades more appealing to seniors. We hold lectures to explain how to play our arcade games, hold senior tours to give people hands-on experience and hold other events on a regular basis.”

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