Tag Archives: Reader Bloggers

BLOG Nights At The Round Table

A great man once said friends are the family we get to choose. He was begging his landlady to forgive him for accidentally pretending he was dating his flatmate at the time. That particular moment didn’t go well. Fortunately, he was dreaming, and that small fact aside the wisdom of …

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BLOG Hungry Audiences And Starving Writers

(opens in new tab) There’s a problem with writing a series, whether your series is only three episodes long or spans entire decades of content: the audience always wants more. They want bigger. Better. Stronger. Your heroes saved a life last instalment? This week they better save two. They saved …

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BLOG Fanservice Faux Pas

(opens in new tab) Oh, JJ Abrams, you master manipulator, you. What’s that? Star Trek Into Darkness has been out a few weeks now and isn’t getting as much attention online as it was? Well, there’s a simple solution to that problem. Just release footage of a presumably naked Benedict …

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BLOG Iron Man 3: Choose Your Own Adventure

(opens in new tab) So, Iron Man 3 . I liked it. Yes, it had its flaws, and heaven knows that the whole thing with The Mandarin was, well, just plain odd, but overall I liked the film. I took it for what it was and just let myself like …

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BLOG Is Anyone Actually Watching Film Trailers?

(opens in new tab) Watching my twitter and Facebook of late I’m starting to wonder if anyone’s watching film trailers any more. All I see is people talking about avoiding this trailer or that trailer or getting angry at what the trailers they have seen and what they reveal, and …

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BLOG The Passion Of The Geek

The passion of geeks is an amazing thing. It can be exciting and occasionally demented but stems from a place of love. Generally if you are a geek then you are a little bit obsessive and often in the good way that leads to one of my favourite things about …

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BLOG 2000AD Prog 1824 Review

Prog 1824 Written by Michael Carroll (Judge Dredd: “Cypher”), Alec Worley (Dandridge: “The Cooper Conspiracy”), Gordon Rennie and Emma Beeby (Tharg’s 3rillers: “Survival Geeks”) and Ian Edginton (Stickleback: “Number Of The Beast”) Art by Inaki Miranda (Judge Dredd: “Cypher”), Warren Pleece (Dandridge: “The Cooper Conspiracy”), Neil Googe (Tharg’s 3rillers: “Survival …

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BLOG Red Nose Day Geek Projects

This year’s Red Nose Day is shaping up to be something very special and, with Comic Relief embracing Twitter and the internet, there’s some fantastic projects happening all over the country that you can help out with just a few mouse clicks. Here are three of them: Bevis Musson has …

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BLOG We Are Monsters

One of the projects I’m keeping an eye on at the moment is a very cool looking new British monster movie called We Are Monsters . The campaign is active now and I talked to writer and director John Shackleton, who was also behind 2011’s Panic Button , about the …

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