John Boyega wanted for Terminator: Genesis role

John Boyega could be the latest actor to sign on for Terminator: Genesis , but the Attack The Block star’s involvement could rest upon whether he is cast in Star Wars: Episode VII .

Last week we reported that J.J. Abrams had earmarked Boyega for a role in the forthcoming film, but with no official decision made as yet, Boyega is slightly in limbo when it comes to taking on other gigs.

It’s a tricky one for the young actor, because according to THR , Terminator: Genesis has a ready-made role for him, in the form of Miles Dyson’s son.

We had been lead to believe that Alan Taylor’s series reboot would deal heavily with the existing Terminator canon, and the inclusion of Dyson’s son would seem to endorse this theory further.

Boyega finds himself torn between two massive sci-fi franchises, then. An awkward decision to make, but probably quite a nice problem to have as an up and coming actor!

Terminator: Genesis will open in the UK on 26 June 2015, with Star Wars: Episode VII set to follow on 18 December 2015.

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