Pokemon Go 2019-2020 Community Day list: All the Pokemon that will feature this month

The December Community Days each year tend to do something unique, and this year is no different. Niantic is taking all the featured Pokemon from the Pokemon Go 2019-2020 Community Day list and throwing all 22 Pokemon into this final event, before 2021 begins and hopefully life starts to return to normal. But what Pokemon in Pokemon Go actually featured during the 2019 and 2020 Community Days? Sure, we remember the recent ones like Electabuzz and Magmar, but can you recall which critter had a special day in January 2019? Here’s the full Pokemon Go 2019-2020 Community Day list.

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Pokemon Go 2019 Community Day list

Month Pokemon Exclusive Move JanuaryTotodileHydro CannonFebruarySwinubAncient PowerMarchTreeckoFrenzy PlantAprilBagonOutrageMayTorchicBlast BurnJuneSlakothBody SlamJulyMudkipHydro CannonAugustRaltsSynchronoiseSeptemberTurtwigFrenzy PlantOctoberTrapinchEarth PowerNovemberChimcharBlast Burn

If you’re looking to catch as many Pokemon as possible for PvP and PvE reasons, then Mudkip and Swinub should be your two priorities here. Both Swampert and Mamoswine are beasts when it comes to battling, especially with these exclusive moves. And of course, there’s a higher chance you find a shiny one!

Pokemon Go 2020 Community Day list

Month Pokemon Exclusive Move JanuaryPiplupHydro CannonFebruaryRhyhornRock WreckerAprilAbraCounterMaySeedotBullet SeedJuneWeedleDrill RunJulyGastlyShadow PunchAugustMagikarpAqua TailSeptemberPorygonTri AttackOctoberCharmanderDragon BreathNovemberElectabuzzFlamethrowerNovemberMagmarThunderbolt

From this selection, Rhyhorn and Charmander are the way forward. Rhyperior learns Rock Wrecker which is a slow but incredibly powerful move, especially in raids. Charizard learns Dragon Breath, which helps elevate it to a more powerful force to be reckoned with, even more so if you use an Elite Charged TM to teach it Blast Burn alongside it.

Pokemon Go December Community Day details

Pokemon Go Community Day

(Image credit: Niantic)

Now we know what Pokemon will feature in the December Community Day, what about the other details, like date and time? Since it’s the final Community Day of the year, it actually becomes a Community Weekend, taking place across both Saturday and Sunday.

Dates: Saturday, December 12 & Sunday, December 13
Times: 11am-5pm local time

Across both days, you’ll be able to catch all 22 Pokemon and find plenty of shiny variants. Since there will be so many Pokemon to catch, make sure you clear enough space in your storage and stock up on items prior to the event.

More details on the Pokemon Go December Community Day will be coming soon from Niantic, but until then you can read this blog post (opens in new tab) outlining all the December plans.

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Pokemon Go XL Candy | Pokemon Go Legacy 40 Challenge | Pokemon Go 2019-2020 Community Day list

Pokemon Go XL Candy | Pokemon Go Legacy 40 Challenge | Pokemon Go 2019-2020 Community Day list

Pokemon Go XL Candy | Pokemon Go Legacy 40 Challenge | Pokemon Go 2019-2020 Community Day list

Pokemon Go XL Candy | Pokemon Go Legacy 40 Challenge | Pokemon Go 2019-2020 Community Day list

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