Virtual reality is here. The Oculus Rift is now shipping in its very first consumer form, Valve’s HTC Vive will be arriving in homes next week, and Sony is sailing into the market in October this year with an attractive $399 price point for its imaginatively named PlayStation VR.
It’s an exciting and, frankly, confusing time, as publishers attempt to sell the virtual reality dream using words, pictures and videos that capture only a snapshot of the immersive experience. To celebrate the dawn of a new era – and hopefully, add clarity to what is a fairly major buying decision – we’ve got a week of features focusing on virtual reality in its varying forms.
GR loves VR – and it’s not just because our names are slightly similar – but appreciate it can be hard to fully pass on exactly how virtual reality can make you feel. We’ll do our best to capture the thrill of VR – plus its potential pitfalls – and can guarantee no motion sickness whatsoever, from our adventures with rock dropping pterodactyls (opens in new tab) to eagle flights across Paris; taking you closer to experiences unlike any you’ve encountered before.
We’ve got you covered, whether you’re looking for the most anticipated PlayStation VR games (opens in new tab) or exactly what you’ll need for your PC to be VR ready. We’ll keep this page updated with all our virtual reality articles as the week progresses, including our most surreal VR moments yet and exactly what it’s like to spend a full day gaming in VR. Clue: thrilling, and… you’ll see.
So stay tuned, and please let us know in the comments how you currently feel about VR, what you’re looking forward to – or fearing – and we’ll include the best comments in our Weekly News Show this Friday. Best of all, you have the thrilling glow of your comments being read by an actual human, before we all go to live in jelly pods with headsets and get harvested by malevolent robot AI for our energy output, under the illusion that we’re surfing on Neptune with Taylor Swift.
What does (and doesn’t) work in VR games (opens in new tab)
The smartest VR company of all? Microsoft (opens in new tab)
VR unlocks the true vision of Rez Infinite (opens in new tab)
Here’s what you need to be VR ready (opens in new tab)
Superhot explores the dark side of VR (opens in new tab)
11 visions of VR movies got wrong. Very wrong (opens in new tab)
This is how you wear VR with glasses (opens in new tab)
Palmer Luckey tells us about the future of gaming (opens in new tab)
Why Virtual Reality will change the way we play AND think about games (opens in new tab)
Trapped in a VR diving suit, gasping for air: the horrors of Narcosis (opens in new tab)
Why PS VR (probably) won’t repeat Sony’s history of failed tech (opens in new tab)
The 10 most surreal moments we’v experienced in VR (opens in new tab)
9 game series we’d love to see in VR (opens in new tab)
Alien Isolation, with Oculus Rift, is the most terrifying thing ever (opens in new tab)
Sony is considering PlayStation VR working on PC (opens in new tab)
PlayStation VR core bundle pre-orders are open now (opens in new tab)
Goofing off is one of the greatest things you can do in VR (opens in new tab)
The most anticipated VR games (opens in new tab)
Which virtual reality headset is best for you? (opens in new tab)
I have seen the future of VR and it is pterodactyls dropping rocks on my head (opens in new tab)