In Total Film magazine issue 204, we catch up with the cast and crew of Steven Soderbergh’s cinematic swan song, Side Effects .
You can read the full feature inside the issue (which is available for just £1.99 on your iPad (opens in new tab) ), with contributions from Soderbergh, Jude Law and Rooney Mara.
During our interview with Mara, we snuck in a question about the future of the The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo franchise.
Having starred in the first installment of the US version of Stieg Larsson’s Millennium trilogy to great (Oscar-nominated) acclaim, the status of the sequels has since been up in the air, with no confirmation that director David Fincher will return .
Here’s what Mara had to say on the matter:
Is there any more news on whether we will get a follow-up to The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo or is that totally dead in the water? Is it something you want to do?
“It’s definitely something I’d want to do. I’ve love to do it, I really would. We’ve definitely been talking about it, but I don’t have any solid news on it, you know. It’s definitely being talked about, but I’m really not sure.”
And would you want to do it with David [ Fincher ]?
“Of course.”
Would you consider doing it with someone else if that was the deal?
“Of course the ideal situation would be to do it with David.”
Side Effects opens in the UK on 8 March 2013.
For much more from the cast and crew of Side Effects , pick up the brand-new issue 204 of Total Film magazine , which is on sale now.
And, Total Film magazine issue 204 comes with four incredible free posters: including Pacific Rim , Man Of Steel , Oblivion and The World’s End .
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