Remember those Rogue One (opens in new tab) reshoots that we reported about earlier this year? You know, the ones that were said to be giving extra screen time (opens in new tab) to an important character cameo? Well, I think we just got a sneak peek at the results…
Yes, it’s a fan-made trailer that turns heroine Jyn Erso into the infamous Gungan Jar Jar Binks, while also throwing some other cringeworthy references in for good measure. Sorry if I tricked you. I guess I’m a little too Sith for my own good.
But really, I hope the video made you smile. I know I was chortling the whole time I watched. Jar Jar Binks may be one of the most hated pieces of Star Wars fiction ever created, but as long as he’s not being taken seriously, I can’t help but love his clumsiness and goofy speech. What’s-a you think, Annie?
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