If you want to keep on rising long past Rise of the Tomb Raider (opens in new tab)’s November 10 release date, you may want to look into the Season Pass. A Microsoft Store listing (opens in new tab) has revealed much of the DLC headed to the game – and yes, it does include more tombs.
Or at least one more tomb, anyway: Baba Yaga: Temple of the Witch holds new mysteries for Lara to explore, complete with an ancient terror awaiting deep within. I hope she appears as an undead version of Yubaba, the mean, giant-headed crone from Spirited Away, but I suppose they could interpret the myth any number of ways.
The Season Pass will also include Endurance Mode, which challenges players to “survive extreme conditions.” It’s not clear if this is a separate experience from the main campaign, or perhaps a new difficulty level that adds survival concerns like warmth and hunger to the usual stuff like learning Greek (opens in new tab). Cold Darkness Awakened sounds like an altogether different sort of survival mode, as it sets Lara against waves of “infected predators.”
On top of extending your single-player experience, the Season Pass will add ways to “compete with friends.” It doesn’t sound like Rise of the Tomb Raider will offer a traditional competitive multiplayer mode (unlike its predecessor), so I wouldn’t be surprised if Endurance Mode and Cold Darkness Awakened have some kind of online leaderboard instead. You’ll also get four months of extra weapons, outfits, and in-game card packs.
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