Report: Suicide Squad currently undergoing mutiple million dollar reshoots to become funnier

Audience reaction to a Suicide Squad (opens in new tab) trailer set to Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody (opens in new tab)” has reportedly resulted in reshoots for the upcoming Suicide Squad. Birth.Movies.Death. (opens in new tab) claims that tens of millions of dollars are going toward making the movie more lighthearted and fun, and that reshoots are happening right now.

Why the late changes? As one source told BMD, “Every joke in the movie is in that trailer.” Considering the jokes are what audiences seemed to like about the trailer, it’s not surprising Warner Bros. would want to inject a bit more humor into this film about deranged killers and mutants sent to die. It probably doesn’t help that critics have largely panned Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (opens in new tab)’s grim portrayal of the DC universe either (for the record, we thought the movie was enjoyable, if flawed).

Don’t expect monumental changes or for Suicide Squad to suddenly be something the whole family can enjoy though; the flick is still slated for August 5, so it’s not like they’re taking the time to turn the movie into something entirely different from its current incarnation.

I’m curious, do you think the film should be funny? Would you enjoy it more, less, or the same if it had more jokes thrown in among the action?

Directed by David Ayer and starring Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Jared Leto, Jai Courtney, and Joel Kinnaman, Suicide Squad will open in the UK and US on August 5, 2016.

Image: Warner Bros.

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