Paul Reubens says new Pee-wee Herman movie is imminent

Paul Reubens has been talking about the long-awaited next installment in the Pee-wee Herman series, and says that the new movie will soon be on the way…

“There’s going to be a big announcement any minute now,” Reubens told Rolling Stone (opens in new tab) . “Yes. It’s been months and months of being right on the verge of being announced.”

“I thought something was going to go public yesterday, actually, and that you’d be the first person I’d be talking about this with. But I’m thinking there will be something made public very soon. It’s going to get made shortly after the new year.”

“I wish I could tell you about it right now, because… I mean, it’s amazing. It’s going to be amazing. It think it first got leaked four years ago or so that the movie was going to be made, and ever since then it’s just been stalling and stalling. So I’m really ready for this to happen. But I’m not kidding. It’s very imminent.”

Reubens certainly sounds enthused about the project, although stopped short of confirming whether the new film will still be using Judd Apatow’s script, or if Tim Burton will be returning. Watch this space…

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