Naming stuff in No Mans Sky will be trouble: people find a way to write the name of genitals

We already know that No Man’s Sky is too big to even comprehend at this point and that it doesn’t finish once you reach the centre of its galaxy, but when it comes to exploring that huge sci-fi setting, indie studio Hello Games wants to give you the chance to leave your own everlasting mark. However crude that mark might be.

In the latest issue of Official PlayStation Magazine, founder Sean Murray explains that every time a player comes across an undiscovered planet they’ll get the chance to name it. Yup, you’re probably thinking what were thinking, too. “The first person to the planet will probably be the person who discovers it. If they do, they can go to a beacon and then you can upload that information,” says Murray. “You upload that you found it and you get to name it as well. Then once you upload it, if another player comes here and they’re online they’ll see the name. Probably some terribly crude name.”

The latest issue of Official PlayStation Magazine, with four collectible covers (featuring Uncharted 4; A Thief’s End, Fallout 4, The Division and Mirror’s Edge Catalyst) and a limited edition subscribers-only cover featuring The Last Guardian, is out now. Download it here or subscribe (opens in new tab) to future issues.

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