Heres every Star Wars: Rogue One trailer shot that didnt make it into the movie

By now, you’ve probably seen Star Wars: Rogue One (opens in new tab) and thought it has everything you could wish for in a Star Wars movie. Well, it turns out, it doesn’t quite have everything…

An eagle-eyed fan noticed that a few moments from the trailer didn’t make it into the final movie and helpfully collected together all the offending shots (opens in new tab). It’s not the first time a trailer has included footage that never made the final cut, but Disney chopped some seriously killer moments from Rogue One. With possible spoilers ahead, let’s take a look at what didn’t make the cut…

This shot was obviously cut because there’s only so much awesome you can fit into one movie.

Oh boy. Look at the person thrown in the air. *Record scratch* You’re probably wondering how I got here…

Pictured: The Empire’s Christmas party didn’t go down too well…

Krennic’s Michael Jackson impression was a big hit though. But what’s Vader doing on an Imperial ship?

Jyn’s limping towards a TIE Fighter. By this point you’re probably desperate for a Rogue One extended cut. Me too, me too.

You can bet Felicity Jones and Diego Luna are super thankful that a running shot was cut. It’s not like they were out of breath afterwards or anything.

Another cool shot gone AWOL. 2016 strikes again.

Methinks the cape got too wet. That thing must weigh a ton when soaked through.

Ok, I’m sad now. This was the best shot from all of the trailers. I would’ve been okay with Gareth Edwards including this out of context for no reason. Or instead of the missing opening crawl.

This missing shot actually fills in exactly what happened with that crashed X-Wing. I’m just sad that I can’t make a terrible joke about it.

Little known fact: K-2SO is the galaxy’s greatest staredown champion. He never blinks.

Upside down Darth Vader didn’t make it into the final cut. It’s a shame because I’ll bet it took ages to frame this shot.

Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments!

Directed by Gareth Edwards and starring Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Ben Mendelsohn, Forest Whitaker, and Alan Tudyk, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is scheduled to open in UK on December 15, 2016 and in the US a day later.

Images: Lucasfilm/ILM

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